Cupcake Icing Recipes and More!

A stash of cupcake icing recipes is the cupcake decorator’s secret weapon to create those beautiful cupcake designs. Royal icing flowers, gum paste glue to hold your fondant creations together and candy dough to make beautiful edible floral decorations. You’ll find those special recipes here on this page.

Royal Icing Recipe


Royal icing has absolutely no grease and dries rock hard like candy. Any decoration you can pipe with tubes for butter cream, you can typically create with royal icing. Decorations can be made well in advance and stored until ready to use. No wonder so many cupcake decorators keep this handy along their other cupcake icing recipes!

3 Tbsps meringue powder | 4 cups powdered sugar | 6 Tbsps water

Beat ingredients together in a bowl free of grease for approximately 10 minutes. Keep covered with a wet towel between use. Keep tightly sealed for storage but use as soon as possible.

Gum Paste Glue

Ever wonder what holds the delicate petals of your gum paste flowers in place? Well, it’s the glue of course! Painted on with a paint brush, gum paste glue is a must-have recipe for any cupcake decorator. Often times, water can hold together fondant, but gum paste glue is a must for delicate petal work.

Small ball of gum paste | 2 -3 Tbsps water

Place water and gum paste in a small cup or plastic bowl with a lid. Let set several hours or overnight. The gum paste will dissolve into the water.

Chocolate Candy Clay

This dense chocolate clay is easy to work with and can be used for a variety of decorations from flowers to cut out work. The clay does need time to rest before you can begin using it, but doesn’t store indefinitely so use it up as quickly as you can.

12 oz bag of chocolate chips | 1/3 cup light corn syrup, heated

Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler. Mix in the corn syrup. Set aside on your counter in a container for a day or 24 hours.